Grit Is a Hunger for Growth

The spirit within you has one objective:
fuller expansion, experience and expression.
Bottom line: You’re here to grow!

If you’ve been following this series, you know that we’ve been going through the 6 Ground Rules of Grit; and we’re now at our 6th and final rule.

If you need to catch up you can go here.

Carol Dweck’s research from Stanford shows basically two types of mindset that we hold as individuals; and we each hold one of these primary mindsets as our operating principle.

  1. A Fixed Mindset or a
  2. Growth Mindset

I’ve written on these two different mindsets at length, so I won’t go into them in depth and detail here. If you’d like more information go here.

Very basically, a Fixed Mindset is risk averse, and wants to perform everything “perfectly.”

On the contrary a Growth Mindset is risk inclined, fixated on growth, with the realization that the greatest way we grow is to get outside our zones of comfort, take risks, and to make mistakes.

A Growth Mindset

Quick assessment: Which are you?

Remember, there’s no value whatsoever in lying to yourself.

Your greatest teacher was your last “mistake”.
But if you learn and grow was it really a mistake?

man sitting with his hands on his face

Your honest answer to the question above will quickly tell you how much grit you have (based on your history), and more importantly, how much more you’ll develop in the future.

Angela Duckworth, the professor of psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, has shown one of the major factors of grit to be overcoming challenges and setbacks. 

You absolutely cannot develop grit without challenges and setbacks.
If you’re facing them right now, get grateful.
You’re getting more emotional strength and mental toughness!

We can often call these challenges and setbacks “mistakes” in many cases if not most.

What the amateur calls a mistake or failure,
the leader calls a temporary setback.
An opportunity to learn, adjust and grow.

Dr. Martin Seligman’s work on optimism, while not directly focusing on grit, has proven conclusively that optimists outperform pessimists 10 to 1 in every single area of life.

Optimists, according to Seligman, frame all challenging and difficult situations as “temporary, non-personal, and specific.” While pessimists frame them as “permanent, personal, and universal.”

How do you frame your world and its experiences?

The way you frame life and all its experiences,
is the picture you possess of your life.

We spoke at length in our last edition about optimism versus romanticism and its impact on grit.

Hopefully you’re able to see how a Growth Mindset must be developed, as well as optimism, to build grit.

The great news is that according to both Seligman and Duckworth, while some just naturally have these qualities and characteristics, and others are programmed with them during their formative years, irrespective, they can be learned.

At the end of the day, it takes discipline to develop grit; and the greatest discipline you must possess is of your own mind.

Mind is the master; and if you don’t master it,
nothing else will matter.

More great news: incremental gains change the world. So, when you incrementally and methodically employ the 6 Ground Rules of grit you develop more and more of the qualities you seek.

  1. Love 
  2. Commitment to Mastery
  3. Purpose
  4. Emotional Strength and Mental Toughness
  5. Optimism
  6. Growth Mindset

And please be reminded that it all starts with love. Not romantic love, for remember that true love is sacrifice.

True love will sacrifice for a cause and calling far beyond your own personal needs.

Some paths must be taken even though there
is little to love about them on the surface.
Some higher courses command that personal preferences be set aside.

Are you willing? 

For these are the qualities and characteristics of which genuine grit and endurance are carved.

It won’t be easy. It’s not supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be meaningful.

Be a Leader. Live Your Purpose; and Take Your Power Back!
