Memento Mori

There’s not one single power in this universe
that will guarantee you’ll even wake up tomorrow.

man sleeping soundly

Memento Mori is a Latin phrase that translates as “Remember Your Death.”

Are you still reading?

Similarly, the Toltec Tradition had a concept called “the awareness of impending death.”

In the West we tend to avoid this topic.

So, why are some traditions so fixated on mortality?

Maybe you should ask yourself why you aren’t.

Deeper study shows these traditions are not truly focused on dying. They’re doing their best to remind themselves to live!

The question is not will you die—that answer is certain.
The true question is: did you really live?

silhouette of person walking towards the light

In the Toltec, the angel of death is over your left shoulder with its finger poised.

Just waiting to tap you out. Any moment. Of any day.

You see the problem with the amateur mindset is that it “thinks it has time.”

It doesn’t. You don’t.

Leaders make quick decisions. They know that time is racing to wipe them off
the board. Amateurs in their slumber want to “think about it.”

group of people sitting with laptop on the table

My wife Bersabeh and I both carry a golden coin in our pockets that states Memento Mori. In the opposing pocket I have my intention card (reference the Mental Mastery and Power experience  ).

Every time I put my hand into my left pocket, I touch my intention card. It’s an instantaneous reminder of the intention I have for my life and business.

Every time I put my hand into my right pocket, I touch my coin. It’s an instantaneous reminder that time is short and that I need to stay busy, focused, and committed.

The problem for most is they think they have time.
They don’t. Time has you.

man looking at the black clock on the table

One of the biggest challenges we all confront is that we “think we have time.”

Consistently I hear:

“Now is not the right time for me.”

And yet now is the only time we have…

“I’ll invest in myself and attend your event next year.”

But you have no guarantee that “next year” will ever get here. Even though we tend to not like thinking this way…

“I’ll quit my job and pursue my dream after I pay off my credit cards.”

Again, no guarantees.

“I’ll invest in my family more when I get my business to the next level…

So many people are assuming they’ll do something someday when the only guarantee they have is today.

So many assume they’ll get to something or do something someday.
Yet, like it or not, the ONLY guarantee you have is today.

boy wearing cape and glasses raising his hand upwards

The tyranny of the urgent steal dreams, yet the most important things in your life are very rarely urgent.

Coming to the end of life, most realize that the tyranny of the “urgent” has
seduced them into postponing the important; and now it’s too late.

James Arthur Ray

The word “Redemptive” means to save yourself from evil and error.

Redemptive Leaders practice Memento Mori

Be a Leader. Live Your Purpose; and Take Your Power Back!


James Arthur Ray Signature




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