The Universe Always Says... James on Alchemy Part 6

“The Universe always says ‘Your wish is my command…

as long as it’s aligned with Universal Will.’”

You may recall the metaphor of the Genie that I talked about in “The Secret;” if you do you’ll also notice the added addendum.

Through many personal experiences where I doubted and questioned everything I ever believed, I’m come to the point of realizing that almost everything I’ve ever said or taught I still believe to be true; but with added addendums and a greater depth of understanding.

To recap our series from last week. There is only one mind (Erwin Schrodinger), and this mind which pervades all has one objective; fuller expression, experience and expansion. When we align with this mind we no longer experience “cognitive dissonance” (two conflicting ideas held simultaneously) but rather faith, trust, peace, surrender, creativity and power. If none of this resonates then please do yourself the favor of re-visiting the previous editions of this series. Repetition is the second law of learning and transformation.

I awoke, only to find that the rest of the world is still asleep.

~ Leonardo da Vinci

Furthermore, we ended last week with the bold (and possibly shocking) statement that to truly obtain this place of greater awakening, the truly awakened will tell you to “Go to hell.”

If you want to read more about last week's blog, click here to learn more.

Fun huh? Obviously there’s a double entendre here that my sometimes sarcastic sense of humor really enjoys.

To fully understand the fabricated concept of hell (yes you read that right), we must only do a little research, keep an open mind, and have a brief but hopefully enlightening discussion.

Fact: All versions of the Bible except for three: The Latin Vulgate, The King James Version, and the New King James Version reject any notion whatsoever of hell occurring in the original Hebrew Manuscripts of the Old Testament. You might want to read that again.

In fact, the concept of “eternal punishment in hell” is an unbiblical pagan doctrine which was embraced and Christianized by the Roman Catholic Church in the early centuries of Christianity; and was only made “official” when Jerome translated the Bible into Latin in 400 AD.

I realize that must be shocking to some, possibly you, so please don’t take my word for it do your own research.

The Jews (who certainly are experts on their own Hebrew language), do not include hell in their Bibles which confirms that there is not a single word that translates as the traditional hell in the Hebrew Manuscripts of the Old Testament.

Now some Christians might immediately think, “Well the New Testament canceled out the old.” (I’ve heard some Christians say this). To which I would take issue based upon words uttered by the prophet himself, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5:17…but that’s another discussion).

Even so, there is also not one single word that translates as the traditional hell in the Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament either!

The doctrine of “everlasting damnation and punishment in hell” is founded upon a combination of mistranslations and misinterpretations of the Hebrew word “sheol,” occurring 65 times in the Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament which translates as “the grave;” and the Greek words “hades” which occurs 11 times in the Greek translation of the New Testament which also means the same (the pit or the grave).

Now the harsh fact is, whether we like it or not, we’re all bound for this hell in the truest sense of the word eventually. At least our bodies.

There’s a lot more but if you’re a thinking individual I’ve given you plenty to think on for any one potentially paradigm shattering read.

The major problem often being that most often don’t question; and often don’t think.

If you think we’ve strayed from the topic of Alchemy and Utilization please be assured that we have not. These foundation principles are absolutely necessary to understand if you want to truly empower your life; and create the life you desire and deserve.

More on hell and true heaven to come; and how to utilize both…

Stay awake and Love Life,

